Shifa-e-Madina Ajwa Paste
Ajwa Paste is very health beneficiary natural beverage. The paste has so much ability to fight with different diseases of our body such as: Cancer, Fats, Liver, Hearts and so many other diseases which are very bad or dangerous for our health.
Ajwa Dates are the most popular among Muslims today and there are many important reasons why, they are a delightfully soft and fruity, quite dark in color and tend to be a more of dry variety of date from Saudi Arabia, that is actually cultivated in Madinah Munawwara.
Benefits of Shifa-e-Madina Ajwa Paste
Natural Energy Booster.
Increase Body Metabolism.
Makes Physique Smarter.
Refreshes Memories.
Removes Physical Weaknesses.
Enhances Stamina.
Relieves Joints Pain.
Protects Liver & Heart.
Delays Aging Effects.
Strengthens Bones / Teeth.
Maintains Body Weight.
Improves Eyesight.
Improves Men’s Health.
Relieves From Chronic Constipation.
Help Prevent Body Cancer
For more information Please Contact Us Via
Website: Fadi Herbs International
E-Mail: info[at]
Phone No. +92 3000 222 111
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